The Fraternal Order of Police Auxiliary is an ancillary organization of the Fraternal Order of Police made up of family members of FOP members and others associated with a Local Lodge. On September 11, 2024, Lebanon Lodge No. 42, Fraternal Order of Police, approved and authorized the formation of the Auxiliary Lodge. The purpose of the Auxiliary Lodge is summed up in our motto, "Never Let Them Walk Alone." The Auxiliary performs key functions by advocating and advancing Pro-Police movement causes, providing support to sick or injured members’ families, participating in charity events, and promoting unity within the Lodge Family. On Saturday, November 16, 2024, the Auxiliary Officers were installed at the Pennsylvania State FOP Lodge in Mechanicsburg. PA State National Trustee Ann Cammerota performed the installation service. She was joined by EB Jermyn Lodge No. 2 Treasurer Michael Camerota, and EB Jermyn Auxiliary Lodge No. 2 President Mae Keiper. Membership in the Auxiliary is open to FOP family members. If you have interest in participating or have questions about membership, you can contact Member Application for the Auxiliary Lodge
Page Last Updated: Nov 30, 2024 (16:00:30)