Robert Lengle Memorial ScholarshipLebanon Lodge 42 offers the “Robert Lengle Memorial Scholarship” each year in the amount of $500.00, which may be awarded to a high school senior graduating from a School District within Lebanon County, and who plans to further their education in the field of Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice, Forensic Sciences, Public Safety or Emergency Medical Response. Applications for the scholarship should be submitted to the guidance counselor of each high school no later than the end of February of each school year, including a return deadline. The scholarship will be awarded to a student by the end of April of the same school year. Applicants applying for the scholarship must submit the following: The Lodge Executive Board shall be responsible for reviewing all applications, and determining who shall be awarded the scholarship. For questions or application submissions, please contact the Lodge President or Lodge Secretary
Page Last Updated: Oct 03, 2024 (06:25:20)